Landlord reviews for

Alan St Andrews in St Andrews

Average Landlord Rating: 3
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Alan St Andrews, St Andrews

Reviewed 7 November 2018
Two incidents stick in my mind: how on move-in the full sized fridge broke and it was replaced with an under counter fridge which was utterly unsuitable for two people - the freezer was an ice box which couldn't fit a frozen pizza. I believe I saw the same fridge on specialbuy at Aldi which was a bit of a punch in the gut.

Despite communicating our intent to move in on the first day of the lease, and those going unresponded, when we arrived on the first day of the lease we had to go on a runaround for several hours, finally meeting a workman who told us we weren't expected so soon. My bedroom had neither curtains or a blind when we arrived.
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